Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Bread is rising to make homemade yeast rolls, green beens are prepped, bacon is cooked and corn is ready! We are spending Thanksgiving at my sister' s home. My Mom is making the Ham and Best stuffing in the world! My sister and her family are preparing the rest.
I was watching some YouTube videos this week and checking out one of my All Time Favorites "kathyorta" and she did a tutorial on a "Matchbook Album", all I can say is Love It! I got all of my supplies and last night after work, I went and did one! Yes, in less than one night I did an entire album!

Times are very tough here, my honey is now a full time student, so no extra income coming in from his old job(lost it, and SC is a right to work state, so they denied him unemployment) my eldest child is looking for a job, so I have my income, plus my hubby has some retirement income, look I ranted! The reason I am getting to all this is because we are not buying gifts this year! Yes, you heard right! I am making a few and giving my children a small amount of cash, I have managed to put aside, but that is it. I am blessed to have a wonderful family!

So, I wanted to show you what I have done. Now, I am going
to go back and write measurements out and such, but I really LOVE it! Thank you Kathy Orta for doing an awesome tutorial!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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