I hope this post finds everyone doing well! I, myself still have the issue with my back and knee. My doctor thinks I may have a herniated disk and I have degenerative arthritis so I am doing physical therapy, what fun!
I am sticking to my goal of doing something crafty each day! I can't show you some stuff because of swaps and such, but now I need to find a way to organize without spending tons of cash, plus I don't have a lot of space, any suggestions?
I watched "Pink Cricuts" "Ponk by Design" Ustream last night and ordered her new stamp set and joined her stamp of the month. I also ordered a stamp set from "My Creative Time"
I need another job! LOL
Well, here is a card I made hope you enjoy!

- PS if you get a chance check out Mr Cricut Crazy, this young man is enjoyable to watch!
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